Biology Class 11

Biology Class 11th Chapter 11 mcqs

Transport in Plants Objective Questions

  1. Dry seeds kept in water swell due to

(a) absorption

(b) diffusion

(c) imbibition

(d) none of these

Answer: (c) imbibition

  1. Choose the correct statement/statements. Pumps in active transport are A. Lipids that bind molecules to pass them through the membrane. B. Transport molecules uphill. C. These are specific transporters. D. These are sensitive to inhibitors.

(a) A and C

(b) A, B and D

(c) B, C and D

(d) C and D

Answer: (c) B, C and D

  1. Which of the following is the unit of ψ?

(a) Pascal

(b) Joule

(c) Newton

(d) Electron volt

Answer: (a) Pascal

  1. Two cells A and B are contiguous. Cell A has osmotic pressure 10 atm, turgor pressure 7 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 3 atm. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5 atm. The result will be:

(a) No movement of water

(b) Movement of water from cell B to A

(c) Movement of water from cell A to B

(d) Equilibrium between the two

Answer: (c) Movement of water from cell A to B

  1. Which of the following is decreased during increase in humidity in the atmosphere?

(a) Transpiration

(b) Photosynthesis

(c) Respiration

(d) Glycolysis

Answer: (a) Transpiration

  1. Ψs is always

(a) positive

(b) zero

(c) negative

(d) one

Answer: (c) negative

  1. Two types of molecules cross the membrane in the same direction, it is called as

(a) Uniport

(b) Symport

(c) Antiport

(d) Multiport

Answer: (b) Symport

  1. Diffusion rate is affected by

(a) temperature

(b) membrane permeability

(c) gradient of concentration

(d) all of these

Answer: (d) all of these

  1. Cells shrink in _________ solution.

(a) isotonic

(b) hypotonic

(c) hypertonic

(d) hypotonic and hypertonic

Answer: (c) hypertonic

  1. Which of the following is true about diffusion?

(a) There is no expenditure of energy.

(b) Molecules move in Brownian motion.

(c) Substances moves from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.

(d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.

Answer: (d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.

  1. Which of the following is true about diffusion?

(a) There is no expenditure of energy.

(b) Molecules move in Brownian motion.

(c) Substances moves from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.

(d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.

Answer: (d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.

  1. Water is lost in a liquid state in some plants through hydathodes. These hydathodes

(a) do not show any specificity in opening and closing

(b) remain closed during day

(c) remain closed at night

(d) remain always open

Answer: (d) remain always open

  1. If pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water, the water potential

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) remains same

(d) atmospheric pressure does not affect water potential

Answer: (a) increases

  1. Choose the correct sequence of water movement in the plants.

(a) Cortex, protoxylem, endodermis, root hair, pericycle, metaxylem

(b) Root hair, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, protoxylem, metaxylem

(c) Root hair, protoxylem, metaxylem, pericycle, cortex, endodermis

(d) Root hair, pericycle, endodermis, cortex, protoxylem, metaxylem

Answer: (b) Root hair, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, protoxylem, metaxylem

  1. Wilting of a plant results from excessive

(a) respiration

(b) photosynthesis

(c) absorption

(d) transpiration

Answer: (d) transpiration

  1. Cohesion theory of water movement in plants was put forth by

(a) Henry Dixon

(b) F. F. Blackman

(c) Melvin cycle

(d) Hans. A. Krebs

Answer: (a) Henry Dixon

  1. Diffusion rate is affected by

(a) temperature

(b) membrane permeability

(c) gradient of concentration

(d) all of these

Answer: (d) all of these

  1. When a plant is girdled (ringed)

(a) the root and shoot die at the same time

(b) the shoot dies first

(c) the root dies first

(d) neither root nor shoot will die

Answer: (c) the root dies first

  1. Choose the correct statement/statements. Pumps in active transport are A. Lipids that bind molecules to pass them through the membrane. B. Transport molecules uphill. C. These are specific transporters. D. These are sensitive to inhibitors.

(a) A and C

(b) A, B and D

(c) B, C and D

(d) C and D

Answer: (c) B, C and D

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class 11 biology chapter 11 important questions,Transport in Plants class 11th biology, पौधों में परिवहन. 

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