Biology Class 11

Biology Class 11th Chapter 22 mcqs

Chemical Coordination and Integration Objective Questions Endemic goitre is a state of (a) Increased thyroid function (b) Normal thyroid function (c) Decreased thyroid function (d) Moderate thyroid function Answer: (c) Decreased thyroid function PTH is called as hypercalcemic hormone because it leads to the (a) absorption of CaCO3 from the digested food (b) reabsorption of water […]

Biology Class 11

Biology Class 11th Chapter 16 mcqs

Digestion and Absorption Objective Questions Which part of brain causes nausea? (a) Pons (b) Hypothalamus (c) Parietal lobe (d) Medulla Answer: (d) Medulla Correct enzyme-substrate pair is (a) Maltose-lactase (b) Protein-amylase (c) Carbohydrate-lipase (d) Casein-rennin Answer: (d) Casein-rennin Peyers patches found in the small intestine are (a) Epithelial tissue (b) Glandular tissue (c) Lymphatic tissue […]