Biology Class 11

Biology Class 11th Chapter 12 mcqs

Mineral Nutrition Objective Questions

  1. In plants, a common symptom caused by deficiency of P, K, Ca and Mg is the

(a) bending of leaf tip

(b) formation of anthocyanins

(c) poor development of vasculature

(d) appearance of dead necrotic tissue

Answer: (d) appearance of dead necrotic tissue

  1. Function of zinc is

(a) Closing of stomata

(b) Biosynthesis of 3-IAA

(c) Synthesis of chlorophyll

(d) Oxidation of carbohydrate

Answer: (c) Synthesis of chlorophyll

  1. Which of the following is a group of micronutrients?

(a) Ca, Zn, B

(b) Fe, Mn, Cu

(c) Cl, C, Ca

(d) Ni, Mo, H

Answer: (b) Fe, Mn, Cu

  1. The process of conversion of NO2– to N2 is called

(a) nitrification

(b) ammonification

(c) denitrification

(d) nitrogen fixation

Answer: (c) denitrification

  1. The formation of first stable product of nitrogen fixation is catalysed by enzyme

(a) dehydrogenase

(b) nitrogenase

(c) isomerase

(d) none of these

Answer: (b) nitrogenase

  1. Manganese toxicity leads to deficiency of

(a) iron

(b) calcium

(c) magnesium

(d) all of the above

Answer: (d) all of the above

  1. Chlorosis will occur if a plant is grown in

(a) dark

(b) shade

(c) strong light

(d) Fe – free medium

Answer: (d) Fe – free medium

  1. Choose the correct function of magnesium.

(a) It is a constituent of several coenzyme.

(b) It activates the enzymes of respiration and photosynthesis.

(c) It activates enzyme catalase.

(d) It helps in maintaining anion-cation balance.

Answer: (b) It activates the enzymes of respiration and photosynthesis.

  1. Mineral salts which are absorbed by the roots from soil are in the form of

(a) Dilute solution

(b) Very concentrated solution

(c) Concentrated solution

(d) Very dilute solution

Answer: (d) Very dilute solution

  1. Which one of the following mineral elements plays an in biological nitrogen fixation?

(a) Copper

(b) Manganese

(c) Zinc

(d) Molybdenum

Answer: (d) Molybdenum

  1. Oxygen scavangers present in root nodules of legumes is

(a) haemoglobin

(b) leg haemoglobin

(c) cyano haemoglobin

(d) none of these

Answer: (b) leg haemoglobin

  1. Which one of the following is not a micronutrient?

(a) Magnesium

(b) Molybdenum

(c) Boron

(d) Zinc

Answer: (a) Magnesium

  1. Which of the following is not a macronutrient

(a) iron

(b) calcium

(c) manganese

(d) phosphorus

Answer: (c) manganese

  1. Insectivorous plants grow where

(a) There is carbohydrate deficient soil

(b) There is nitrogen deficient soil

(c) Vitamin c is required

(d) Hormones are required

Answer: (b) There is nitrogen deficient soil

  1. Phytotron is meant for

(a) Controlled humidity

(b) Induction of mutations

(c) Controlled irradiation

(d) Growing plants under controlled environment

Answer: (d) Growing plants under controlled environment

  1. Toxicity of which element leads to the appearance of brown spots on leaves

(a) Mg

(b) Mn

(c) Fe

(d) Cu

Answer: (b) Mn

  1. Presence of phosphorus

(a) brings about healthy root growth

(b) promotes fruit ripening

(c) retards protein formation

(d) none

Answer: (c) retards protein formation

  1. Which element is required for opening and closing of stomata?

(a) P

(b) K

(c) Ca

(d) Na

Answer: (b) K

  1. Exanthema is due to deficiency of

(a) B

(b) Mo

(c) Mn

(d) Cu

Answer: (d) Cu

  1. NPK denotes

(a) Nitrogen, Protein, Kinetin

(b) Nitrogen, Protein, Potassium

(c) Nitrogen, Potassium, kinetin

(d) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

Answer: (d) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

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