Biology Class 11

Biology Class 11th Chapter 22 mcqs

Chemical Coordination and Integration Objective Questions

  1. Endemic goitre is a state of

(a) Increased thyroid function

(b) Normal thyroid function

(c) Decreased thyroid function

(d) Moderate thyroid function

Answer: (c) Decreased thyroid function

  1. PTH is called as hypercalcemic hormone because it leads to the

(a) absorption of CaCO3 from the digested food

(b) reabsorption of water from renal tubules

(c) increasing blood calcium levels

(d) maintainence ion balance in blood

Answer: (c) increasing blood calcium levels

  1. Corpus luteum secretes

(a) progesterone

(b) estrogen

(c) glucagon

(d) vasopressin

Answer: (a) progesterone

  1. In adults, insufficient thyroxine can lead to ______.

(a) Goiter

(b) Tetany

(c) Cretinism

(d) Myxedema

Answer: (d) Myxedema

  1. In children, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) can lead to ______

(a) Goiter

(b) Acromegaly

(c) Cretinism

(d) Myxedema

Answer: (c) Cretinism

  1. Diurnal rhythm of the body is maintained by

(a) melatonin

(b) isthmus

(c) PTH

(d) norepinephrine

Answer: (a) melatonin

  1. Which of the following is an emergency hormone?

(a) Norepinephrine

(b) Androgen

(c) Cortisol

(d) FSH

Answer: (a) Norepinephrine

  1. Secretin causes stimulation of

(a) water

(b) bile juice

(c) gastric secretion

(d) pepsinogen

Answer: (a) water

  1. In adults, insufficient thyroxine can lead to ______.

(a) Goiter

(b) Tetany

(c) Cretinism

(d) Myxedema

Answer: (d) Myxedema

  1. In the body, both the blood sodium and potassium levels are regulated by _______.

(a) Pheromones

(b) Aldosterone

(c) Cortisol

(d) Androgens

Answer: (b) Aldosterone

  1. Chemical name of T4 is

(a) Tetradiodothyronine

(b) Tridiodothyronine

(c) Tetraiodothyronine

(d) Triiodothyronine

Answer: (c) Tetraiodothyronine

  1. Anabolic steroids are ______ versions of testosterone.

(a) Effective

(b) Synthetic

(c) Natural

(d) Ineffective

Answer: (b) Synthetic

  1. Which of the following acts on bones?

(a) Melatonin

(b) Triiodothyronine

(c) GH

(d) Parathyroid

Answer: (d) Parathyroid

  1. Glucagon hormone is secreted by the ______.

(a) Thyroid gland

(b) Adrenal gland

(c) Pituitary gland

(d) Pancreas

Answer: (d) Pancreas

  1. Which one of the followings are male sex hormones?

(a) Insulins

(b) Aldosterones

(c) Androgens

(d) Pheromones

Answer: (c) Androgens

  1. Choose the incorrect statement.

(a) Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals.

(b) Exocrine glands are ductless glands.

(c) Invertebrates have simple endocrine system.

(d) All of the above statements are incorrect.

Answer: (b) Exocrine glands are ductless glands.

  1. Which hormone inhibits the release of growth hormone?

(a) Insulin

(b) Gonadotrophin

(c) Somatostatin

(d) Thymosin

Answer: (c) Somatostatin

  1. Which of the following is essential for thyroid gland?

(a) NaCl

(b) I3

(c) CaCO2

(d) H2CO3

Answer: (b) I3

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