Biology Class 11

Biology Class 11th Chapter 7 mcqs

Structural Organisation in Animals Objective Questions

  1. Blood corpuscles are formed in the

(a) Haversian canal

(b) endosteum

(c) red bone marrow

(d) pancreas

Answer: (c) red bone marrow

  1. Which of the following is absent in female frog?

(a) Webbed feet

(b) Copulatory pads

(c) Tympanum

(d) All are present

Answer: (b) Copulatory pads

  1. Osteoblasts are found in

(a) blood

(b) muscle

(c) bone

(d) cartilage

Answer: (c) bone

  1. Choose the incorrect statement.

(a) Vascular system of frog is closed type.

(b) Frogs have 4-chambered heart.

(c) During aestivation and hibernation, skin acts as respiratory organ.

(d) All the statements are correct.

Answer: (b) Frogs have 4-chambered heart.

  1. Which one of the four parts mentioned below is not part of a single uriniferous tubule ?

(a) Bowman scapsule

(b) Loop of Henle

(c) Distal convoluted tubule

(d) Collecting ducts

Answer: (d) Collecting ducts

  1. Ciliated epithelium is present in

(a) fallopian tubes

(b) blood vessels

(c) mid brain

(d) none of the above

Answer: (a) fallopian tubes

  1. The vascular tissue of blood is made up of

(a) RBC

(b) plasma

(c) platelets

(d) all of the above

Answer: (d) all of the above

  1. Which membrane protects the eyes of frog in water?

(a) Tympanum

(b) Skin

(c) Sebaceous

(d) Nictitating

Answer: (d) Nictitating

  1. Fats are richly found in

(a) alveolar tissue

(b) lymph glands

(c) adipose tissue

(d) liver cells

Answer: (c) adipose tissue

  1. The main function of the skin of frog is

(a) the exchange of respiratory gases

(b) the storage of fat

(c) the storage of energy

(d) to convert light vitamin D

Answer: (a) the exchange of respiratory gases

  1. The ciliated epithelium in our body may be found in

(a) trachea

(b) ureter

(c) bile duct

(d) intestines

Answer: (a) trachea

  1. Which one of the following is a scent gland of mammals?

(a) Bartholin

(b) Anal

(c) Prostate

(d) Adrenal

Answer: (b) Anal

  1. The characteristic of simple eqithelium is that

(a) the cells are loosely placed

(b) they are single – layered in thickness

(c) cells are tightly packed with no intercelluar spaces

(d) cells are generally ciliated

Answer: (b) they are single – layered in thickness

  1. Spot the salivary gland in the following :

(a) sublingual

(b) adrenal

(c) Brunners

(d) lacrimal

Answer: (a) sublingual

  1. Protein not found in the connective tissues is

(a) actin

(b) ossein

(c) collagen

(d) elastin

Answer: (a) actin

  1. Tendons connect the following:

(a) bone to bone

(b) muscle to muscle

(c) cartilage to muscle

(d) bone to muscle

Answer: (d) bone to muscle

  1. Frogs are beneficial to us because

(a) they protect crops.

(b) they links food web

(c) they are food to man.

(d) all of these

Answer: (d) all of these

  1. Which membrane protects the eyes of frog in water?

(a) Tympanum

(b) Skin

(c) Sebaceous

(d) Nictitating

Answer: (d) Nictitating

  1. Which of the following helps in locomotion of earthworms?

(a) Clitellum

(b) Setae

(c) Intersegmental grooves

(d) Nephridiophores

Answer: (b) Setae

  1. Which is not a part of reproductive system of female cockroach?

(a) Phallic gland

(b) Vestibulum

(c) Gonapophyses

(d) Collaterial glands

Answer: (a) Phallic gland

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